Nurse Managers


Nurse Managers

A nurse manager is responsible for a wide variety of things. Generally, they coordinate with their staff to ensure that all aspects of daily patient care is running smoothly. They also provide mentorship and guidance to their staff.

Nurse Managers are also responsible for overseeing unit-based administrative tasks including human resources, financial, and observance of protocol.

At Unicorn Health Services Inc., we want to prepare you for all of these responsibilities. With our leadership courses, we will instill the knowledge and skills that you need in order to become a good healthcare leader. We will also train you to advance in your leadership position.

Unicorn Health Services Inc. offers an extensive list of skillfully developed training programs. These are drawn on evidence-based practice and different approaches to build, cultivate, develop, and improve your leadership impact. Some of our training programs can include tips on how to: build inter-professional teams, how to lead people, agile decision making, developing a resilient team, and many more.

If you are interested, please reach out to us now at 617-569-3531. Get started on your training as soon as possible!

A Staffing Agency for Quality Healthcare


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284 Broadway Revere, MA 02151